var core = getApp().globalData.requirejs("core"), that import cwxKeyboard from '@/components/cwx-keyboard/cwx-keyboard' import rechargeDeductFn from './utils/rechargeDeductFn' import creditDeductFn from './utils/creditDeductFn' import orderSubmitFn from './utils/orderSubmitFn' import moneyChangeFn from './utils/moneyChangeFn' import getMerchFn from './utils/getMerchFn' import intFn from './utils/intFn' export default { data() { return { list: { realprice: 0.00, credit: 0.00, money_sub: 0.00, deductcredit: 0.00, deductprice: 0.00, needpay: 0.00, deduct_recharge: 0.00, deductprice_zs:0.00, deductcredit_zs:0.00 }, merch: {}, mockInputFocusText: ' ', showKeyBoard: true, showRemarkInput: false, merchid: 0, use_deductprice: false, hideRechargeDeduct: false, hideCreditDeduct: false, // 是否已经获取公众号openid getOpenIDAlready: '', credit1: "", // 储值卡 use_deduct_recharge: false, recharge: 0, submit: "", //提交状态 min_deduct_credit_price: 0.02, on_paying: false, option: {}, //活动赠送金豆 credit1_hot_set:0, credit1_hot_rang:0, use_deductprice_hot: false, //活动金额范围 大于20才行 credit1_hot_set_jine:0, //授权登录字段 openid:'', ismobile:false, //限额 quota:2000, //可抵扣最大金额 use_max_credit_money:0 } }, components: { cwxKeyboard }, props: {}, filters: { limitDecimal(val) { return parseFloat(val).toFixed(2); }, }, onLoad: function (t) { that = this this.option = t // uni.showLoading({ // title: '加载中' // }); mockInputFocus() intFn.init(that) //加载用户openid getApp().globalData.util.loginByCode(null, false).then(userInfo => { if(||''){ that.setData({ ismobile:true }) } that.setData({ openid:userInfo.openid }) }) }, onShow: function () { }, onHide: function () { that.submit = false; that.list = {}; that.use_deductprice = false; uni.removeStorageSync('qr_scan_data'); this.$refs.clearMoney._handleClearKey(); }, methods: { /** * 检测是否需要跳转其他页面 * **/ isNeedGo2OtherPage: function (queryParam) { let page = false if (!queryParam) { queryParam = that.option } else { return } let pageParam = '?id=' + queryParam.merchid if (queryParam.needGo2MerCredit) { page = 'merch/index_credit' } else if (queryParam.needGo2MerGoods || queryParam.table_id) { page = 'merch/index' } else if (queryParam.needGo2MerDetails) { page = 'merch/intro' } else if (typeof queryParam.cashierid != "undefined" && queryParam.cashierid != "" && queryParam .total >= 0.01) { that.onMoneyInput( return } //如果是扫码点餐 if (queryParam.table_id) { pageParam += '&table_id=' + queryParam.table_id } if (page) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/' + page + pageParam }) } }, // 创建线下支付订单 getList: function (merchid) { if (!merchid) { uni.hideLoading() uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '网络开小差啦,重新扫码试试吧!1623124886' }) return } getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Merch_Index.GetMerchData4OfflinePay', id: merchid }).then(function (merchData) { that.hasMerchData2Next(merchData) }); }, // 获取到商家数据后 进行下一步操作 hasMerchData2Next: function (merchData) { uni.hideLoading() let merch = ( //默认金豆最大抵扣 that.use_max_credit_money=parseFloat(that.credit1*merch.credit_pay_rate).toFixed(2); //金豆兑换比例 if (!merch) { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '网络开小差啦,重新扫码试试吧!1623930867' }) return; } if (0 == merch.err_code) { // 获得当前商家设置信息 uni.setStorage({ key: 'cur_offline_merch_data', data: merch }); that.quota=merch.quota; uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '向' + merch.merchname + '付款' }) that.min_deduct_credit_price = parseFloat(merch.min_offline_price) + 0.01 that.min_deduct_credit_price = getApp().globalData.util.numberFloor(that.min_deduct_credit_price) // 生成随机数 const str = merch.credit_give_hot_rang; const [min, max] = str.split(','); const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + parseInt(min); let pt_title=["余乐兑平台"]; if(merch.activity_platform){ pt_title = JSON.parse(merch.activity_platform); } const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * pt_title.length); that.setData({ merch: merch, merchid:, credit1_hot_set: merch.credit_give_hot_set, credit1_hot_rang: randomNum, activity_platform:pt_title[index] }) if (merch.pay_need_mobile) { getApp().globalData.checkBindMobile() } // 获取储值卡余额 that.getUserRecharge() // 获取二步动作, 跳转等 that.isNeedGo2OtherPage() } else if (merch && typeof merch.err_code_desc != undefined && merch.err_code_desc) { let tipsText = '' if (merch && merch.err_code_desc) { tipsText += merch.err_code_desc } uni.hideLoading(); uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: tipsText, showCancel: false }) } else { let tipsText = '网络开小差啦,重新扫码试试吧!1623124887'; if (merch && merch.err_code_desc) { tipsText += merch.err_code_desc; } uni.hideLoading() uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: tipsText }) } }, // 获取储值卡和金豆余额 getUserCredit: function () { getApp().globalData.util.loginByCode(null, false).then(userInfo => { that.setData({ credit1: userInfo.credit1 }) }) }, // 获取用户储值卡余额 getUserRecharge: function () { getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Member_Recharge.getUserRechargeBan', userid: uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').id, merchid: that.merchid }).then(userRecharge => { that.recharge = }) }, //点击付款 submitFun: function () { if(!this.use_deductprice_hot){ that.setData({ activity_platform:'' }) } console.log("---------------------") orderSubmitFn.orderSubmit(that) }, /** 检查是否使用了金豆/储值卡抵扣,如果使用了,必须绑定手机号 */ checkCreditReBindMobile(list) { if (list.deductcredit > 0 || list.deduct_recharge > 0) { return true } return false }, // 是否使用金豆抵扣 useCreditCheckBox: function (e) { that.getUserCredit() let noUseDeduct = false; // 不使用金豆抵扣 if (e.detail.value.length) { noUseDeduct = true } this.use_deductprice = noUseDeduct; creditDeductFn.modifyCreditDeduct(that) }, // 是否使用赠送金豆活动抵扣 useCreditCheckBox_hot: function (e) { let noUseDeduct = false; // 不使用金豆抵扣 if (e.detail.value[0]=='1') { noUseDeduct = true } this.use_deductprice_hot = noUseDeduct; creditDeductFn.modifyCreditDeduct(that) }, // 是否使用储值卡 useRechargeCheckBox: function (e) { that.getUserRecharge(); let noUseDeduct = false; // 不使用储值卡抵扣 if (e.detail.value.length) { noUseDeduct = true } this.use_deduct_recharge = noUseDeduct rechargeDeductFn.modifyRechargeDeduct(that, true) }, onMoneyInput(e) { //用于判断活动大于20元 回头改下 this.credit1_hot_set_jine=e moneyChangeFn.changeEv(e, that) }, toggleKeyboard() { this.showKeyBoard = !this.showKeyBoard }, showRemarkClick() { this.showRemarkInput = true }, // 显示推广人备注信息 showSpreadRemark() { getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Merch_Index.GetMerchData4OfflinePay', id: }).then(res => { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', showCancel: false, content: '推广人备注:' + }) }) }, // 显示最小现金支付金额提示 showMiniCreditdeductTips() { getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Merch_Index.CreditCannotFullDeductTips', id: }).then(res => { uni.showModal({ title: "提示", showCancel: false, content: }) }) }, // 使用数字人民币支付 useEcnyPay() { uni.showModal({ title: "提示", content: that.merch.e_cny_qrurl_psbc_tips, showCancel: false }) getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Merch_Ecny.ShowDeviceEcnyQrCode', merchid:, e_cny_qrurl_psbc: that.merch.e_cny_qrurl_psbc }) }, // 跳转到商家店铺页面 go2MerchIndex(merchid) { // #ifdef H5 let h5Pla = getApp().globalData.util.getH5Platform() if (h5Pla == "H5-ALIPAY") { window.location.href = "alipays://platformapi/startapp?appId=2021001187681202&page=/pages/merch/index/index?id=" + merchid } // #endif // #ifdef MP-ALIPAY||MP-WEIXIN uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/merch/index/index?id=' + merchid }) // #endif }, //微信获取手机号 getPhoneNumber(e){ getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Member_User.getPhone', code: e.detail.code, openid: that.openid, platform: 'MP-WEIXIN' }).then(function (res) { if("SUCCESS"){ that.ismobile=false; //手机按钮隐藏 that.use_deductprice=true; //复选框勾选 creditDeductFn.modifyCreditDeduct(that) } else{ uni.showToast({ title:'取消金豆会员抵扣', icon:'none' }) } return false; }); return false; }, //微信获取手机号-平台赠送活动选项 getPhoneNumber_hot(e){ getApp().globalData.request({ s: 'Member_User.getPhone', code: e.detail.code, openid: that.openid, platform: 'MP-WEIXIN' }).then(function (res) { if("SUCCESS"){ that.ismobile=false; //手机按钮隐藏 that.use_deductprice_hot=true; //复选框勾选 creditDeductFn.modifyCreditDeduct(that) } else{ uni.showToast({ title:'取消活动赠送金豆', icon:'none' }) } return false; }); return false; }, } // / methods }; // 模拟光标 function mockInputFocus() { setInterval(function () { if (that.mockInputFocusText == '0.1') { that.mockInputFocusText = '0.5' } else { that.mockInputFocusText = '0.1' } }, 1000) }