let that = {} export default { data() { return { showInfo: false, form: { payType: '提现到银行', payTypeValue: 2, }, bankImgUp: 'http://yuledui.oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/merch_manage/img/bank_card_setting/take_photo.png',// 银行卡照片OCR openAutoPay: true, border: false, showPayType: false, labelPosition: 'left', errorType: ['message'], rules: { bank_name: [ { required: true, message: '请输入姓名', trigger: 'blur', }, { min: 3, max: 5, message: '姓名长度在3到5个字符', trigger: ['change', 'blur'], }, { // 此为同步验证,可以直接返回true或者false,如果是异步验证,稍微不同,见下方说明 validator: (rule, value, callback) => { return this.$u.test.chinese(value); }, message: '姓名必须为中文', trigger: ['change', 'blur'], }, ] } }; }, onLoad: function () { that = this that.init(); }, methods: { init() { getApp().globalData.util.request({ s: 'Merch.Mershop_Alipay.get' }).then(res => { that.form = res.data.data that.form.alipay_account2 = res.data.data.alipay_account }) }, submit() { if (that.form.alipay_account2 !== that.form.alipay_account) { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '两次输入的手机号不一致' }); return } getApp().globalData.util.request({ s: 'Merch.Mershop_Alipay.update', alipay_account: that.form.alipay_account, alipay_realname: that.form.alipay_realname }).then(res => { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: res.data.data.res_msg, showCancel:false, success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击确定'); } } }) }) }, selectColor(items) { if (items[0].value == 'no') { that.openAutoPay = false } else { that.openAutoPay = true } }, // 银行卡识别OCR getBankOCR: function (fileUrl) { uni.showLoading({ title: '识别中' }) uni.request({ url: 'https://yld.angyakeji.com/www/src/tools/aliyun/ocr.php', data: { fileUrl: fileUrl, type: 'bankcard' }, complete: (res) => { uni.hideLoading() if (res.data && res.data.Data) { let fres = res.data.Data that.$set(that.form, 'bank_com', fres.BankName) that.$set(that.form, 'bank_no', fres.CardNumber) that.$set(that.form, 'bank_no2', fres.CardNumber) } }, }) }, } }