import { param2Obj } from './utils' const tokens = { admin: { token: 'admin-token' }, editor: { token: 'editor-token' } } const users = { 'admin-token': { roles: ['admin'], introduction: 'I am a super administrator', avatar: '', name: 'Super Admin' }, 'editor-token': { roles: ['editor'], introduction: 'I am an editor', avatar: '', name: 'Normal Editor' } } export default { login: res => { const { username } = JSON.parse(res.body) const data = tokens[username] if (data) { return { code: 20000, data } } return { code: 60204, message: 'Account and password are incorrect.' } }, getInfo: res => { const { token } = param2Obj(res.url) const info = users[token] if (info) { return { code: 20000, data: info } } return { code: 50008, message: 'Login failed, unable to get user details.' } }, logout: () => { return { code: 20000, data: 'success' } } }