
123 lines
38 KiB

2024-11-06 10:49:19.944 [DEBU] {6866d17e3c41051841328f3831a21cdc} [ 69 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 10:49:19.959 [DEBU] {903102833c41051842328f387c8f2407} [ 14 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 10:49:19.986 [DEBU] {54b4ec833c41051843328f388155e10c} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 10:49:20.014 [DEBU] {ec3482853c41051844328f38368be513} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'ccccwsdfwefwefwef' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:19:09.509 [DEBU] {24303c28dd42051846328f388d580e16} [ 85 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:19:09.535 [DEBU] {dcff592ddd42051847328f382099c3db} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:19:09.564 [ERRO] {dc15f72edd42051848328f38ebe267b6} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0f6k0d5ers1qw07vg200sxh8e7',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-06 11:19:09','2024-11-06 11:19:09') RETURNING "orderId"
Error: pq: null value in column "ysePayStatus" of relation "pay_order" violates not-null constraint
1. yuleduiPay/repo.(*PayOrder).CreatePayOrder
2. yuleduiPay/service.(*Pay).PayQrCode
3. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareHandlerResponse
4. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-06 11:20:08.799 [DEBU] {d05b97f6ea42051864e20a07b30416a0} [ 79 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:20:08.815 [DEBU] {403f58fbea42051865e20a07e2869f28} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:20:08.842 [DEBU] {e83842fcea42051866e20a07b33d81be} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:20:08.872 [DEBU] {9c14e8fdea42051867e20a0724bd0d0c} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:20:25.360 [DEBU] {cc1f04d5ee42051868e20a07eb77aa77} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:20:25.388 [ERRO] {08fe65d6ee42051869e20a07ea4ac1ce} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq078s0d5ersunjnh7o200nle3xa',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-06 11:20:24','2024-11-06 11:20:24') RETURNING "orderId"
Error: pq: null value in column "ysePayStatus" of relation "pay_order" violates not-null constraint
1. yuleduiPay/repo.(*PayOrder).CreatePayOrder
2. yuleduiPay/service.(*Pay).PayQrCode
3. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareHandlerResponse
4. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-06 11:21:10.048 [DEBU] {30de1d39f9420518c8062f59ea0b213c} [ 82 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:21:10.065 [DEBU] {001c103ef9420518c9062f595a2f4418} [ 16 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:21:10.094 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:30 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'account' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:21:10.140 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'dict' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:21:10.181 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'district' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:21:10.220 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:21:10.259 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'promoter' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:21:10.300 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:21:10.341 [DEBU] {bc734338f9420518c7062f59c792ad43} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop_admin' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.613 [DEBU] {a48958b0274305184bd3b75b2b76e9fd} [ 78 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:24:29.630 [DEBU] {903c14b5274305184cd3b75b531dc027} [ 16 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:24:29.660 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:30 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'account' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.705 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'dict' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.746 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'district' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.790 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.829 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 20 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'promoter' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.869 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:24:29.910 [DEBU] {9ccc73af274305184ad3b75b8eeb9f61} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop_admin' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:25:04.118 [DEBU] {90b887b82f4305187b9fc95db7523785} [ 86 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:25:04.135 [DEBU] {847aaebd2f4305187c9fc95d479707a8} [ 17 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:25:04.166 [DEBU] {70ddb8be2f4305187d9fc95d5f39bb16} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:25:04.198 [DEBU] {d47b82c02f4305187e9fc95d803acfe3} [ 32 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:25:09.322 [DEBU] {443544f2304305187f9fc95d2d81b2d5} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:25:09.355 [DEBU] {087adff330430518809fc95d239662c3} [ 33 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated","payStatus","ysePayStatus") VALUES('pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-06 11:25:08','2024-11-06 11:25:08',0,'') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-06 11:26:26.462 [ERRO] {b82841e542430518829fc95def92af16} [ 75 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] SELECT "orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated","payStatus","ysePayStatus" FROM "pay_order" WHERE orderId = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq' LIMIT 1
Error: pq: column "orderid" does not exist
1. yuleduiPay/repo.(*PayOrder).GetPayOrderByOrderId
2. yuleduiPay/service.(*YsePay).NotifyWxPay
3. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareHandlerResponse
4. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-06 11:30:38.849 [DEBU] {98c45da87d430518235ffa7cfb773752} [ 81 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:30:38.867 [DEBU] {7c4e40ad7d430518245ffa7cd678625e} [ 17 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:30:38.899 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:30 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'account' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:30:38.938 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'dict' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:30:38.966 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'district' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:30:39.006 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:30:39.049 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'promoter' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:30:39.092 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:30:39.126 [DEBU] {e07277a77d430518225ffa7cb5df3b17} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop_admin' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:32:44.637 [DEBU] {74e0a8f29a430518bf386b74835536fe} [ 68 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:32:44.651 [DEBU] {884ac7f69a430518c0386b74c624e913} [ 13 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:32:44.678 [DEBU] {ecdaa9f79a430518c1386b748dec2a06} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:32:44.692 [ERRO] {94c538f99a430518c2386b7413a3ece7} [ 13 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] SELECT "order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status" FROM "pay_order" WHERE orderId = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq' LIMIT 1
Error: pq: column "orderid" does not exist
1. yuleduiPay/repo.(*PayOrder).GetPayOrderByOrderId
2. yuleduiPay/service.(*YsePay).NotifyWxPay
3. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareHandlerResponse
4. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-06 11:33:15.952 [DEBU] {2cc98a3ba2430518a47d5548b3cff090} [ 96 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:33:15.971 [DEBU] {585f4a41a2430518a57d5548b08583e4} [ 19 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:33:16.001 [DEBU] {68ee6d42a2430518a67d5548c086e993} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:33:16.020 [ERRO] {3cd94344a2430518a77d5548773a1aeb} [ 18 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] SELECT "order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status" FROM "pay_order" WHERE orderId = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq' LIMIT 1
Error: pq: column "orderid" does not exist
1. yuleduiPay/repo.(*PayOrder).GetPayOrderByOrderId
2. yuleduiPay/service.(*YsePay).NotifyWxPay
3. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareHandlerResponse
4. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-06 11:34:34.144 [DEBU] {c0740871b44305187da42110f01305e4} [ 81 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:34:34.160 [DEBU] {e484de75b44305187ea4211095eb527e} [ 16 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:34:34.188 [DEBU] {0028dd76b44305187fa4211083c6536f} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:34:34.227 [DEBU] {c05b8d78b443051880a4211026d1f285} [ 38 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status" FROM "pay_order" WHERE order_id = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:34:40.117 [DEBU] {409c25d8b543051881a42110a2822f5c} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] UPDATE "pay_order" SET "updated"='2024-11-06 11:34:39',"ysepay_status"='TRADE_SUCCESS' WHERE order_id = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq'
2024-11-06 11:35:07.681 [DEBU] {f0cef33ebc43051883a42110903bfd19} [ 99 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status" FROM "pay_order" WHERE order_id = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:35:08.961 [DEBU] {b8e6188fbc43051884a4211036508299} [ 34 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] UPDATE "pay_order" SET "updated"='2024-11-06 11:35:08',"ysepay_status"='TRADE_SUCCESS' WHERE order_id = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq'
2024-11-06 11:37:19.522 [DEBU] {0074d5f2da43051834c1e4064766300a} [ 73 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-06 11:37:19.539 [DEBU] {3cde48f7da43051835c1e406b592f297} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-06 11:37:19.566 [DEBU] {14ab34f8da43051836c1e4060b51aa6a} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-06 11:37:19.595 [DEBU] {4c06d7f9da43051837c1e406aa643129} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status" FROM "pay_order" WHERE order_id = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq' LIMIT 1
2024-11-06 11:37:20.939 [DEBU] {bc24ee49db43051838c1e406b5e88f7b} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] UPDATE "pay_order" SET "updated"='2024-11-06 11:37:20',"ysepay_status"='TRADE_SUCCESS' WHERE order_id = 'pyacyq08u00d5erwl40rvgk200i0fyaq'