
32 lines
10 KiB

2024-11-04 16:05:15.154 [DEBU] {64b7c1b450b5041821e3ff1223397e38} [103 ms] [default] [test] [rows:0 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:05:15.173 [ERRO] {988cfdba50b5041822e3ff126c4a2ee6} [ 17 ms] [default] [test] [rows:0 ] SELECT * FROM "pay_order" WHERE orderid = 2
Error: pq: relation "pay_order" does not exist
1. yuleduiPay/service.(*Pay).PayQrCode
2. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-04 16:05:44.141 [DEBU] {048d897557b5041818db8b7667b34ea7} [ 87 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:05:44.156 [ERRO] {b809ae7a57b5041819db8b76ec30a2be} [ 14 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:0 ] SELECT * FROM "pay_order" WHERE orderid = 2
Error: pq: column "orderid" does not exist
1. yuleduiPay/service.(*Pay).PayQrCode
2. yuleduiPay/middle.MiddlewareCORS
2024-11-04 16:12:03.361 [DEBU] {7c63e7c0afb5041867655f5b4aea7818} [ 84 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:12:03.391 [DEBU] {a493fdc5afb5041868655f5b11dd1295} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0hrw0d5d8r7ssp2ao10069gcnf',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:12:03','2024-11-04 16:12:03') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-04 16:29:09.295 [DEBU] {74d94b9f9eb6041893c9603f4874f219} [ 85 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:29:09.327 [DEBU] {88da9aa49eb6041894c9603ff239cd00} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0akg0d5d947s5kla0100d16lio',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:29:01','2024-11-04 16:29:01') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-04 16:29:52.957 [DEBU] {bce0bdc9a8b6041896c9603ffb731790} [ 85 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0akg0d5d94tuhxjx0200lurlnt',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:29:50','2024-11-04 16:29:50') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-04 16:30:54.940 [DEBU] {d07fd937b7b604181d9e4d653a5797dd} [ 91 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:30:54.972 [DEBU] {b8d6583db7b604181e9e4d656f104bed} [ 31 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0cfw0d5d95m4jwqac1000wq5ea',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:30:51','2024-11-04 16:30:51') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-04 16:35:49.311 [DEBU] {a02c15c2fbb60418d3785163710dec0f} [ 85 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:35:49.334 [DEBU] {d4422fc7fbb60418d4785163f713427d} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0i2c0d5d99dp6usko100d2t9us',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:35:46','2024-11-04 16:35:46') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-04 16:56:37.136 [DEBU] {24f94b491eb80418c0a3bf749f672c2b} [101 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:56:37.173 [DEBU] {88e6584f1eb80418c1a3bf74ba11171e} [ 37 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0x400d5d9pc3v1wco1000o37tg',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:56:37','2024-11-04 16:56:37') RETURNING "orderId"
2024-11-04 16:57:54.227 [DEBU] {0c4a213d30b8041830267b7d0c54718b} [ 87 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-04 16:57:54.256 [DEBU] {94a7634230b8041831267b7d9a93dcb4} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("orderId","price","amount","bean","openId","mobile","shopId","created","updated") VALUES('pyacyq0d3g0d5d9qbj1y4uk1001qdhxs',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','ccccwsdfwefwefwef','2024-11-04 16:57:54','2024-11-04 16:57:54') RETURNING "orderId"