@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
2024-11-07 11:34:11.614 [DEBU] {1cedb2c343920518b575875132b53297} [ 77 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 11:34:11.631 [DEBU] {549f5ac843920518b6758751cf93f31b} [ 16 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 11:34:11.659 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:31 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'account' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 11:34:11.703 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:10 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'dict' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 11:34:11.742 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:9 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'district' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 11:34:11.783 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 11:34:11.823 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'promoter' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 11:34:11.865 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 11:34:11.905 [DEBU] {e0b9a5c243920518b4758751becaeb88} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:12 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop_admin' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:07:41.212 [DEBU] {c8ccb99b76a405189953d151d34c6dc5} [ 93 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:07:41.228 [DEBU] {a88b4ca176a405189a53d151fde08493} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:07:41.256 [DEBU] {8ce841a276a405189b53d151ac67e95d} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:07:41.285 [DEBU] {cccee7a376a405189c53d151299c9e0d} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:07:44.926 [DEBU] {cc43437d77a405189d53d15172e5ed6c} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:07:44.962 [DEBU] {18b4a87e77a405189e53d151e3305be9} [ 36 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0g6s0d5fttgh2knlk200p8dywf',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:07:44','2024-11-07 17:07:44','',0) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:08:31.671 [DEBU] {ec101c5c82a405184dac4750bde6f5a4} [ 80 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:08:31.687 [DEBU] {a834ec6082a405184eac4750f20bc6dc} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:08:31.723 [DEBU] {047ee16182a405184fac4750088df625} [ 35 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:08:31.754 [DEBU] {18df006482a4051850ac4750c185ced4} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:08:35.071 [DEBU] {18c12a2a83a4051851ac475058807fed} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:08:35.102 [DEBU] {14ae952b83a4051852ac4750fc2daaa7} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0g0c0d5ftu3lqplfw20052lkj8',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:08:34','2024-11-07 17:08:34','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:15:15.916 [DEBU] {708e797be0a405183c288c3d3ac44184} [ 71 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:15:15.932 [DEBU] {c847cd7fe0a405183d288c3d1f9b5454} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:15:15.958 [DEBU] {00b8b080e0a405183e288c3d2d65df95} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:15:15.992 [DEBU] {1cdf4882e0a405183f288c3d8f2341b2} [ 33 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:15:23.555 [DEBU] {b0264044e2a4051840288c3daa2ef8cc} [ 47 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:15:23.594 [DEBU] {5c4b0d47e2a4051841288c3d09836c27} [ 38 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0gec0d5ftzb3r79jw200re6exv',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:15:22','2024-11-07 17:15:22','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:23:34.035 [DEBU] {ec0aa97554a505188d1a2d70b771759c} [ 72 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:23:34.049 [DEBU] {6cadf57954a505188e1a2d7058326499} [ 14 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:23:34.076 [DEBU] {000ece7a54a505188f1a2d70dd7a4dbc} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:23:34.102 [DEBU] {400f637c54a50518901a2d703c0d42da} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:23:34.125 [DEBU] {0462047e54a50518911a2d706aa6208a} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:23:34.153 [DEBU] {200e597f54a50518921a2d70f54864d1} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq01qk0d5fu5ltbnddc2006f9hpf',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:23:34','2024-11-07 17:23:34','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:25:13.163 [DEBU] {3ceb0c896ba50518bc56911c59c42bd0} [ 90 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:25:13.181 [DEBU] {0875758e6ba50518bd56911c2ae047c6} [ 18 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:25:13.209 [DEBU] {d4d47f8f6ba50518be56911c213cd4e0} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:25:13.245 [DEBU] {c85e3c916ba50518bf56911c6521a0e3} [ 35 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:25:13.270 [DEBU] {84a168936ba50518c056911c34fac588} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:25:13.305 [DEBU] {94bce1946ba50518c156911cc27d9fa4} [ 34 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0gls0d5fu6vcywxsg200mf4zp3',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:25:13','2024-11-07 17:25:13','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:34:57.586 [DEBU] {a03b629cf3a5051810f7af621eca1329} [ 72 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:34:57.604 [DEBU] {0c0dd0a0f3a5051811f7af62e9aa7983} [ 17 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:34:57.631 [DEBU] {ec5fdda1f3a5051812f7af625fd5debf} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:34:57.662 [DEBU] {14ed85a3f3a5051813f7af6242b58ceb} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:34:57.684 [DEBU] {405c57a5f3a5051814f7af62a389513a} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:34:57.715 [DEBU] {404ab8a6f3a5051815f7af62e9464651} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq07ng0d5fuebu5cuak20044rst6',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:34:57','2024-11-07 17:34:57','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:43:42.770 [DEBU] {20217ce36da60518d2b25c4afbeb5c4f} [ 78 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:43:42.787 [DEBU] {148641e86da60518d3b25c4a21b5eb49} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:43:42.816 [DEBU] {705542e96da60518d4b25c4afd8bffc2} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:43:42.847 [DEBU] {58d9f7ea6da60518d5b25c4a39112677} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:43:42.871 [DEBU] {4c62c9ec6da60518d6b25c4a5538f289} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:43:42.903 [DEBU] {801a45ee6da60518d7b25c4a58f07456} [ 31 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0nk00d5ful13r1n4c200f242pn',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:43:42','2024-11-07 17:43:42','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:47:54.515 [DEBU] {34b5d880a8a60518635b0146427fda6d} [ 75 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:47:54.531 [DEBU] {ac796585a8a60518645b01461adba4fc} [ 15 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:47:54.560 [DEBU] {bc1c5c86a8a60518655b0146a98ed50a} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:47:54.592 [DEBU] {40990e88a8a60518665b0146487c7220} [ 31 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:47:54.615 [DEBU] {0481f789a8a60518675b01463c0e4d16} [ 22 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:47:54.645 [DEBU] {c0275c8ba8a60518685b014674255473} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0ho40d5fuo8r5luys20088xhsk',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:47:54','2024-11-07 17:47:54','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:48:58.451 [DEBU] {f8258a63b7a60518afe2c84d26f5967d} [ 78 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:48:58.468 [DEBU] {c08e4a68b7a60518b0e2c84d3349a035} [ 16 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:48:58.496 [DEBU] {84513b69b7a60518b1e2c84dd670cedb} [ 28 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:48:58.527 [DEBU] {d82ff86ab7a60518b2e2c84d77cdee43} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:48:58.550 [DEBU] {f47bc06cb7a60518b3e2c84d7c8e8c98} [ 23 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:48:58.581 [DEBU] {c0c12a6eb7a60518b4e2c84d7b46b19e} [ 30 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0hzs0d5fup24ih69g2008yuz7e',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:48:58','2024-11-07 17:48:58','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:50:58.635 [DEBU] {38660b5fd3a60518ebbd5c3fa7631e0c} [ 79 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:50:58.650 [DEBU] {1cd6d063d3a60518ecbd5c3f91ff8d4b} [ 14 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:50:58.676 [DEBU] {e462a364d3a60518edbd5c3f4b641511} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:50:58.703 [DEBU] {1cc23c66d3a60518eebd5c3f35ab35f8} [ 26 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:50:58.724 [DEBU] {3cd8cd67d3a60518efbd5c3ffa44d0da} [ 21 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:50:58.752 [DEBU] {8cee1a69d3a60518f0bd5c3fef0281a4} [ 27 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0gpg0d5fuqlc07i9o200o936bs',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:50:58','2024-11-07 17:50:58','',1) RETURNING "order_id"
2024-11-07 17:52:37.276 [DEBU] {c0bc1e56eaa60518d8b636474f287b58} [ 85 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT version();
2024-11-07 17:52:37.295 [DEBU] {443e505beaa60518d9b636478eb5ea97} [ 17 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:7 ] SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND c.relpartbound IS NULL ORDER BY c.relname
2024-11-07 17:52:37.325 [DEBU] {5c075f5ceaa60518dab6364707d9ff5b} [ 29 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:18 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'shop' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:52:37.359 [DEBU] {38482c5eeaa60518dbb636470f927796} [ 33 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] SELECT "shop_id","promoter_id","account_number","child_account_number","contact_name","tel","shop_name","address","door_photo","interior_photo","industry","equipment_no","extend","join_date","state","delete_flag","create_time","update_time" FROM "shop" WHERE shop_id = 'aaaaaaaaaa' LIMIT 1
2024-11-07 17:52:37.383 [DEBU] {a84f2b60eaa60518dcb636472c93f381} [ 24 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:11 ] SELECT a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type,a.attnotnull as null, (case when d.contype = 'p' then 'pri' when d.contype = 'u' then 'uni' else '' end) as key ,ic.column_default as default_value,b.description as comment ,coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as length ,numeric_scale as scale FROM pg_attribute a left join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid left join pg_constraint d on d.conrelid = c.oid and a.attnum = d.conkey[1] left join pg_description b ON a.attrelid=b.objoid AND a.attnum = b.objsubid left join pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid left join information_schema.columns ic on ic.column_name = a.attname and ic.table_name = c.relname WHERE c.relname = 'pay_order' and a.attisdropped is false and a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum
2024-11-07 17:52:37.417 [DEBU] {cc299f61eaa60518ddb6364771414802} [ 33 ms] [default] [yuledui] [rows:1 ] INSERT INTO "pay_order"("order_id","price","amount","bean","open_id","mobile","shop_id","created","updated","ysepay_status","channel") VALUES('pyacyq0g4c0d5furunl8jgs200jvr6ob',65.3,65.2,0.1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb','15963264270','aaaaaaaaaa','2024-11-07 17:52:37','2024-11-07 17:52:37','',1) RETURNING "order_id"